更新時間:2016年11月29日16時17分 來源:傳智播客Android培訓(xùn)學(xué)院 瀏覽次數(shù):
出現(xiàn)這樣的提示,根本原因是Eclipse啟動時檢測E:Program Filesandroid-sdk-windowstoolslibplugin.prop文件 文件內(nèi)容為:
begin plugin.propplugin.version=20.0.0
# end plugin.prop
begin plugin.propplugin.version=18.0.0
# end plugin.prop
4 [Accessibility] Missing contentDescription attribute on image
今天使用了下ADT 16.0 在定義一個ImageVIew的時候 總是提示這個[Accessibility] Missing contentDescription attribute on image警告,雖說可以不理 但總是感覺怪怪的,在網(wǎng)上一搜 發(fā)現(xiàn)原來這是ADT 16.0的新特性,在一些沒有文本顯示的控件里,如imageView和imageButton等,ADT會提示你定義一個android:contentDescription屬性,用來描述這個控件的作用。英文原文如下,如有翻譯的不對的地方,敬請批評指正。
Resolved this warning by setting attribute android:contentDescription for my ImageView
Android Lint support in ADT 16 throws this warning to ensure that image widgets provide a contentDescription
This defines text that briefly describes content of the view. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some views do not have textual representation this attribute can be used for providing such.
Non-textual widgets like ImageViews and ImageButtons should use the contentDescription attribute to specify a textual description of the widget such that screen readers and other accessibility tools can adequately describe the user interface.
5 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.baidu.mapapi.BMapManager解決辦法
用百度地圖,可能把工程復(fù)制了些位置 出錯了
1.右擊項目->properties->Java Build Path->Order and Export,在需要引用的包前面打勾。
6 eclipse中提示 No Completions Available,Alt+/不自動提示
window-> Preferences-> Java-> Editor-> Content Assist-> Advanced
上面的選項卡Select the proposal kinds contained in the 'default' content assist list中添加【Java Non-Type Proposals】